​​Isa Genzken: 75/75

Installation view of Isa Genzken’s 1981 work Blau-grau-gelbes Hyperbolo 'Elbe'

Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin

July 2023

July 13–November 27, 2023 
To mark Isa Genzken’s 75th birthday, the Neue Nationalgalerie is honoring the German artist with the exhibition Isa Genzken: 75/75, showing 75 sculptures spanning all phases of her oeuvre from the 1970s to the present. Major works on display include the 10-metre-long Blau-grau-gelbes Hyperbolo ‘MBB’ (1981), Atelier (1990), Venedig (1993), Nofretete – Das Original (2012) and Schauspieler (2013). 
The presentation recalls displays of classical antiquity collections in its arrangement of individual sculptures in the Neue Nationalgalerie’s upper hall. In the configuration models, archetypes and assessments of the human and modern society emerge. 
Learn more at Neue Nationalgalerie.