Suzan Frecon in Conversation

A photo of Suzan Frecon in her studio in 2015.

With Joan Waltemath and Louis Block

September 24, 2020

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The Brooklyn Rail is hosting a ZOOM conversation featuring Suzan Frecon with artists and Rail contributors Joan Waltemath and Louis Block at 1 PM EST on Tuesday, September 29.  To watch the live talk, which is part of “The New Social Environment” series and will conclude with a poetry reading by Pansy Maurer-Alvarez, please click here.

Suzan Frecon: oil paintings is on view at David Zwirner New York through October 17, 2020. Accompanying the exhibition is a new monograph with text by John Yau.

Image: Suzan Frecon in her studio, 2015 (detail). Photo by Julie Brown Harwood