Yun Hyong-keun (MMCA)
Publisher: National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul (MMCA)
Publication Date: 2018

Foreword by Bartomeu Marí. Texts by Kim Inhye, Oh Gwangsu, Kim Hyunsook, and Choi Jongtae
This catalogue is published with an exhibition of work by Korean artist Yun Hyong-keun at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul. One of the leading figures of the Dansaekhwa art movement, Yun’s paintings are inspired by nature, combining a palette of umber and ultramarine (the colors of earth and water) to create rectilinear compositions which are reminiscent of traditional ink-wash paintings. The investigation into flatness, materiality, and meditation in art-making is a consistent focus of his work, and his paintings characterize the elements of tactility, spirituality, and performance common to first-generation Dansaekwha artists.
Publisher: National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul (MMCA)
Artist: Yun Hyong-keun
Publication Date: 2018
ISBN: 9788963031866
Retail: $60
Status: Not Available
Binding: Softcover
Dimensions: 9 1/2 x 12 1/2 in | 24 x 32 cm
Pages: 184
Reproductions: 129 color
Artist and Contributors
Yun Hyong-keun
Yun Hyong-keun’s (1928–2007) signature abstract compositions engaged and transcended Eastern and Western art movements and visual traditions, establishing him as one of the most significant Korean artists of the twentieth century. He is the most prominent figure associated with the Dansaekhwa (monochromatic painting) movement, a group of influential Korean artists from the 1960s and 1970s who experimented with the physical properties of painting and prioritized technique and process.