William Shakespeare × Chris Ofili: Othello
Publisher: David Zwirner Books
Publication Date: 2019

By William Shakespeare. Illustrated by Chris Ofili. Introduction by Fred Moten
Othello remains one of Shakespeare’s most contemporary and moving plays, with its emphasis on race, revenge, murder, and lost love. Chris Ofili’s new edition highlights the tragedy of Othello’s plight in ways no other volume of this play has.
In the twelve etchings Ofili has produced to illustrate this play, Othello is depicted with tears in his eyes, which flow below various scenes visualized in his forehead. Ofili asks us to see in Othello the great injustices that still plague the world today. These images add feeling to Shakespeare’s words, and together they form their own hybrid object—something between a book and a visual retelling of the tragedy. With a foreword by the renowned critic Fred Moten, this edition is the first of its kind and puts Othello’s blackness and interiority front and center, forcing us to confront the complex world that ultimately dooms him.
Dialogues: The David Zwirner Podcast Chris Ofili and Emily Wilson
Listen to an epic live episode of Dialogues. In journeying deep into Homer’s Odyssey in front of an audience at the 69th Street gallery in New York, artist Chris Ofili and classicist Emily Wilson encounter religion, art, personal history, gender issues, Trinidad, Greece, truth, and lies.

Publisher: David Zwirner Books
Artist: Chris Ofili
Contributors: Fred Moten, Seeing Shakespeare
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN: 9781644230220
Retail: $30 | £22
Designer: Sarah Schrauwen
Printer: VeronaLibri, Verona
Binding: Hardcover
Dimensions: 6 × 9 in | 15.2 × 22.9 cm
Pages: 174
Reproductions: 12 color
Artist and Contributors
Chris Ofili
Chris Ofili (b. 1968) creates atmospheric and enigmatic paintings investigate the intersection of desire, identity, and representation. Portraying characters from a range of aesthetic and cultural sources through a kaleidoscopic visual mode that bridges abstraction and figuration, his works serve as sites for journeys of creative transformation.
Fred Moten
Fred Moten is professor of performance studies and comparative literature at New York University. He is interested in social movement, aesthetic experiment, and Black studies. Moten has written a number of books of poetry and criticism, the latest of which—co-authored with Stefano Harney—is All Incomplete.
Seeing Shakespeare
Seeing Shakespeare, a new series from David Zwirner Books, brings the world’s leading contemporary artists together with William Shakespeare. Featuring covers designed by the artists and illustrations throughout, these editions of Shakespeare’s plays are created with a whole new generation in mind, one of readers and art lovers alike.