Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Publisher: Kerber
Publication Date: 2013

Texts by Katharina Dohm, Geoff Dyer, and Christoph Ribbat
The photography of Philip-Lorca diCorcia achieves a marvelous balance of artifice and the everyday. Over the past three decades, diCorcia has developed a unique and influential style, in which a realistic, almost documentary style of representation is subverted or countered by visibly staged composition. This combination of seemingly opposite qualities endows his images with a mysterious eeriness. In his Hustlers series (1990–1992), diCorcia made portraits of male prostitutes in minutely composed settings, and for Heads (2000–2001)–probably his most famous series–he depicted passersby on the street in New York (who were oblivious to his photographing them) as though they were film stars. Alongside the series Streetwork (1993–1999), Lucky 13 (2004) and A Storybook Life (1975–1999), this volume, published for a major European retrospective and produced in close collaboration with diCorcia, also features works from his new and ongoing East of Eden project.
Publisher: Kerber
Artist: Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Contributors: Katharina Dohm, Geoff Dyer, Christoph Ribbat
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN: 9783866788350
Retail: $45 US & Canada | £27 | €34
Status: Not Available
Binding: Softcover
Dimensions: 9 3/4 x 11 3/4 in (24.8 x 29.8 cm)
Pages: 208
Reproductions: 79 color
Artist and Contributors
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
American photographer Philip-Lorca diCorcia (b. 1951) emerged in the 1980s as part of a generation of photographers who sought to explore and challenge the boundaries of the medium. He has become known for his meticulously planned and executed photographs involving a variety of individuals in images that explore the tension between the casual and the posed, the accidental and the fated. At once documentary and theatrical, his work operates in the interstices of fact and fiction.
Katharina Dohm
Geoff Dyer
Christoph Ribbat