Neo Rauch: Gespenster
Publisher: Lubok Verlag
Publication Date: 2013

Edited by Gerd Harry Lybke
Neo Rauch (born 1960) is one of the most important figurative painters of his generation and a pioneer of the so-called new Leipzig school of painting. Gespenster (Ghosts) is published for Rauch’s most recent solo exhibition of the same name at Galerie Eigen+Art Leipzig, in 2013. The catalogue contains the first reproductions of the 20 new paintings that were shown in the exhibition, as well as detailed views of the canvases and installation shots. Rauch’s new paintings portray brooding phantasmagoric scenarios composed of several different snapshots that spatially (and sometimes narratively) overlay each other. A rusty, red-brown undertone suffuses the pictures, its muteness emphasized against intensely chromatic areas. Unlike the large-scale paintings, Rauch’s smaller works are softer and more graphic, with isolated figures and deserted landscapes, like fragments from completed pictures that have become independent.
Publisher: Lubok Verlag
Artist: Neo Rauch
Contributors: Gerd Harry Lybke
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN: 9783941601840
Retail: $40 US & Canada | £20 | €25
Status: Not Available
Binding: Softcover
Dimensions: 8 3/4 x 12 in (22.2 x 30.5 cm)
Pages: 56
Reproductions: 35 color, 4 duotone
Artist and Contributors
Neo Rauch
Widely celebrated as one of the most influential figurative painters working today, Neo Rauch (b. 1960) is known for richly colored and elaborate paintings that contain a repertoire of invented characters, settings, objects, and motifs. At once realistic and familiar, enigmatic and inscrutable, his paintings often hint at broader narratives and histories, yet they are dreamlike and frequently contain disparate and overlapping spaces and forms.
Gerd Harry Lybke