Mamma Hanna Martina: Text Paintings Photos
Publisher: MOON
Publication Date: 2019

Introduction by Frederik Bjerregaard.
The paintings by Mamma Andersson on these pages are mostly new works, many of them from the exhibition she curated at the São Paulo Art Biennial. With this publication the intention has been to reveal Andersson’s work in a new context, outside the walls of a gallery, alongside two photographers – Hanna Moon and Martina Hoogland Ivanow – inspired by her universe. As Mamma says of the titles of her works, our wish is “to provide viewers with a platform to direct their thoughts onto a track that they hadn’t thought of...” Hanna Moon, the South Korean artist and fashion photographer, joins Mamma Andersson in Brazil as she installs her exhibition at the 2018 Bienal de São Paulo. Moon’s photographic project is the antithesis of reportage, a personal investigation of her experience of the city. Her confrontational work may appear on first glance to be a million miles from Andersson’s, and yet in its tone, intimate but also unfamiliar and disturbing, we perhaps trace reverberations of Andersson’s universe.
Publisher: MOON
Artist: Mamma Andersson
Contributors: Frederik Bjerregaard, Hanna Mood, Martina Hoogland Ivanow
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN: 9788799791521
Retail: $40 | £30 | €36.5
Status: Not Available
Printer: Narayana Press, Denmark
Binding: Softcover
Dimensions: 9.8 x 12.6 inches | 25 x 32 cm
Pages: 154
Reproductions: 79 color
Artist and Contributors
Mamma Andersson
Characterized by a unique combination of textured brushstrokes, loose washes, stark graphic lines, and evocative colors, Mamma Andersson’s (b. 1962) works embody a new genre of painting that recalls late nineteenth-century romanticism while also embracing a contemporary interest in layered, psychological compositions that draw inspiration from a wide range of source materials.
Frederik Bjerregaard
Hanna Mood
Martina Hoogland Ivanow