ART021 Shanghai
November 11—14, 2021
Shanghai Exhibition Center
No. 1000, Yan An Middle Road

David Zwirner is pleased to participate in ART021 (http://www.art021.org/en/) Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2021. The gallery will present a selection of new works by Katherine Bernhardt. Created in her vast St. Louis, Missouri, studio, these monumental canvases continue to expand Bernhardt’s repertoire of images culled from an irreverent American pop vernacular. Working on multiple paintings at once, she first renders in spray paint such lively characters as E.T. and the Pink Panther—in addition to recurring pencils, pizza slices, toilet paper rolls, and cigarettes—before laying the canvases on the floor and further applying colorful drips and strokes of watered-down acrylic pigments that run together.
Also on view will be works by Josef Albers, Mamma Andersson, Raoul De Keyser, Marcel Dzama, Yayoi Kusama, Nate Lowman, Oscar Murillo, Raymond Pettibon, Josh Smith, Wolfgang Tillmans and Rose Wylie.
To coincide with the fair, David Zwirner will present Studio: Katherine Bernhardt on davidzwirner.com. This body of work introduces the likeness of Dr. Teeth, a character that fronts the Electric Mayhem, The Muppet Show’s house band that debuted in 1975—the same year the artist was born. Pairing Dr. Teeth with cigarettes, Dorito chips, or puffy cheese ball snacks in a vibrant palette, Bernhardt integrates the raucous puppet into her unique visual lexicon.
Katherine Bernhardt, Starship Enterprise, 2021 (detail)
For all press inquiries, contact
Kiko Tse +852 6015 5184 kiko@davidzwirner.com (mailto:kiko@davidzwirner.com)
Victoria Kung +852 9668 1092 victoriak@suttoncomms.com (mailto:victoriak@suttoncomms.com)
卓納畫廊欣然參與2021年ART021 (http://www.art021.org/)上海廿一當代藝術博覽會,將呈現凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特(Katherine Bernhardt)的精選新作。在位於密蘇里州聖路易斯市廣闊的工作室裡創作出的這數幅巨型油畫,根據畫面得知,伯恩哈特從不敬的美國流行語中挑選主題並擴展了圖像庫。藝術家同時創作多張畫作,畫面除了反覆出現的鉛筆、披薩 片、衛生紙捲、和香煙以外,還用噴漆描繪了E.T.和粉紅豹等活潑的角色,其後在把畫佈置於地上進一步塗上稀釋的丙烯顏料,製造出水滴狀與線條融彙的筆觸。
其他重要展品包括約瑟夫·阿爾伯斯(Josef Albers)、瑪瑪·安德森(Mamma Andersson)、 拉烏爾·德·凱澤(Raoul De Keyser)、馬塞爾·扎馬(Marcel Dzama)、草間彌生(Yayoi Kusama)、奈特·婁曼(Nate Lowman)、奧斯卡·穆里略(Oscar Murillo)、雷蒙德·帕提伯恩(Raymond Pettibon)、約什·史密斯(Josh Smith)、沃爾夫岡·提爾曼斯(Wolfgang Tillmans)和羅斯·懷利(Rose Wylie)的近作與新作。
為配合博覽會,卓納畫廊將在官網的線上展廳(Online Viewing Room)同步展示《凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特工作室》(Studio: Katherine Bernhardt)。這一系列作品介紹了著名卡通《大青蛙布偶秀》(The Muppet Show)中的駐場 樂隊The Electric Mayhem領唱Dr. Teeth,該節目在1975年推出了這支樂隊,藝術家也是同年出生。伯恩哈特將Dr.Teeth與香煙、多力多脆片、和鬆脆的奶酪球零食搭配在鮮豔色彩之中,將喧鬧的木偶融入進了她獨特的視覺詞彙中。
圖片:凱瑟琳·伯恩哈特(Katherine Bernhardt), 《星艦企業號》(局部), 2021年
謝鵠怡 +852 6015 5184 kiko@davidzwirner.com (mailto:kiko@davidzwirner.com)
龔凱欣 +852 9668 1092 victoriak@suttoncomms.com (mailto:victoriak@suttoncomms.com)