Installation view of the exhibition Michael Borremans: Taking Turns, at David Zwirner in New York, dated 2009.
Installation view of the exhibition Michael Borremans: Taking Turns, at David Zwirner in New York, dated 2009.

Michaël Borremans: Taking Turns

David Zwirner is pleased to present an exhibition of new paintings and films by Belgian artist Michaël Borremans. This is the first time the artist's films will be shown in the United States, and is also the world premier of Taking Turns.

Taking Turns is the artist's third solo show at David Zwirner. Previous shows at the gallery include Horse Hunting (2006) and Trickland (2003), which was the artist's first solo exhibition in the United States.

For the current show at David Zwirner, Borremans has created five new paintings and is presenting three films: The Feeding, The Storm, and Taking Turns.

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February 24March 25, 2009
Installation view of the exhibition Michael Borremans: Taking Turns, at David Zwirner in New York, dated 2009.
Installation view of the exhibition Michael Borremans: Taking Turns, at David Zwirner in New York, dated 2009.
Installation view of the exhibition Michael Borremans: Taking Turns, at David Zwirner in New York, dated 2009.
Installation view of the exhibition Michael Borremans: Taking Turns, at David Zwirner in New York, dated 2009.
Installation view of the exhibition Michael Borremans: Taking Turns, at David Zwirner in New York, dated 2009.
A still from a film titled The Storm, by Michael Borremans, dated 2006.

Michaël Borremans

The Storm, 2006
35 mm film: 1:07 min. (continuous loop); color, silent
Large projection; dimensions vary
A painting by Michael Borremans, titled The Load, dated 2008.

Michaël Borremans

The Load, 2008
Oil on canvas
15 3/4 x 19 5/8 x inches (40 x 49.8 cm)
Still from a film by Michael Borremans, titled Taking Turns, dated 2009.

Michaël Borremans

Taking Turns, 2009
LCD monitor in wooden frame; 35mm film transferred to DVD, 8:33 min (continuous loop); color, silent
19 x 35 inches (48.3 x 88.9 cm)
A painting by Michael Borremans, titled The Load (III), dated 2009.

Michaël Borremans

The Load (III), 2009
Oil on canvas
20 1/2 x 15 inches (52.1 x 38.1 cm)
A painting by Michael Borremans, titled The Apron, dated 2009.

Michaël Borremans

The Apron, 2009
Oil on canvas
15 x 20 1/2 inches (38.1 x 52.1 cm)
Still from a film by Michael Borremans, titled The Feeding, dated 2006.

Michaël Borremans

The Feeding, 2006
LCD monitor in wooden frame; 35mm film transferred to DVD, 4:50 min. (continuous loop); color, silent
19 x 35 inches (48.3 x 88.9 cm)
A painting by Michael Borremans, titled The Load (II), dated 2009.

Michaël Borremans

The Load (II), 2009
Oil on canvas
14 1/4 x 16 1/2 inches (36.2 x 41.9 cm)
A painting by Michael Borremans, titled Earthlight room, dated 2008.

Michaël Borremans

Earthlight room, 2008
Oil on canvas
15 3/4 x 19 5/8 inches (40 x 49.8 cm)

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