Exclusive Print: Propaganda by Neo Rauch
“By superimposing the various color states, you can achieve lovely velvety depths. This in general is what fascinates me about lithography. That it’s actually a very painterly medium.” —Neo Rauch
Now available in the Viewing Room, the Neo Rauch single-color lithograph print titled Propaganda (2019), complements the painting of the same moniker, featured in the artist’s Hong Kong exhibition. While varied in composition, the painting and the print share particular visual elements and personae.
These prints were created in the Lithographisches Atelier Leipzig, a print studio where Rauch makes collagraphs and giclée prints as well as engravings, lithographs, and silkscreens.
As with his paintings on canvas, Rauch’s works on paper—including paintings, drawings, and prints—serve as equal ground for his symbolically laden narratives to play out. Lithographic prints in particular are integral to the artist's practice, constituting a major part of his artistic production since 1993.
Additional works from Rauch's print studio have been made available exclusively for the Viewing Room.
Image: Art handler Jay Pluck with Neo Rauch, Propaganda, 2019. © Neo Rauch/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn